In an Anatolian village, a young man named Ali is still deeply in love with his wife, Aysel, and dreams of winning back her affection. He harvests canes for a living but can't meet their basic needs as he refuses to submit to the local gang. Fed up with poverty, Aysel begins working for the gang, devasting Ali. He makes a daring attempt to turn things around but ends up losing ... (展开全部)
In an Anatolian village, a young man named Ali is still deeply in love with his wife, Aysel, and dreams of winning back her affection. He harvests canes for a living but can't meet their basic needs as he refuses to submit to the local gang. Fed up with poverty, Aysel begins working for the gang, devasting Ali. He makes a daring attempt to turn things around but ends up losing all his harvest. As he takes shelter on the lake, a tragic accident leads him to kill one of the gang's men. Ali struggles to accept the blood on his hands. But to his relief, the gap closes between him and Aysel. Soon, Ali realizes that the circle is closing in on him as villagers search for the lost man.