The film follows the true story of the tough, gutsy Mildred Burke (Bett Rickards), the first world-famous female pro wrestler and million-dollar athlete, who becomes a champion of a growing entertainment franchise in the 1930s-1950s. Married to business partner Billy Wolfe (Lucas), the brilliant but vicious entrepreneur who pioneered women wrestlers, Mildred endured his infidel... (展开全部)
The film follows the true story of the tough, gutsy Mildred Burke (Bett Rickards), the first world-famous female pro wrestler and million-dollar athlete, who becomes a champion of a growing entertainment franchise in the 1930s-1950s. Married to business partner Billy Wolfe (Lucas), the brilliant but vicious entrepreneur who pioneered women wrestlers, Mildred endured his infidelity and physical abuse despite the rise of her own power until she couldn't take it anymore. With courage, panache, and a loyal following, Mildred challenged the all-male hierarchy of the wrestling world as she became the first woman to headline over men.