The story revolves around a middle-aged lumberjack who lives like a hermit in a cursed forest. Fifteen years before, a mysterious tribe took his daughter from him. He has searched the whole wide world looking for her, but all in vain. As he returns to his starting point, it turns out his daughter is the one to find him. But she’s been followed... A dark forest, a widowed lumber... (展开全部)
The story revolves around a middle-aged lumberjack who lives like a hermit in a cursed forest. Fifteen years before, a mysterious tribe took his daughter from him. He has searched the whole wide world looking for her, but all in vain. As he returns to his starting point, it turns out his daughter is the one to find him. But she’s been followed... A dark forest, a widowed lumberjack, a lonely and mysterious young woman… It all makes for an intriguing and surprising tale, conjuring up a fantastical, timeless universe reminiscent of fairy tales and myth. With the feel of a heroic fantasy story, the author actually intended it to be an intimist fantasy story and an outdoor huis-clos; a genre film, in other words - still a rare thing in French-language Belgian cinema – revolving around a handful of strong characters and a place which invites phantasmagoria.