A Magical Summer
Alice Lee (27) has lived all her life following the very strict rules her parents have imposed for her. The story unfolds as Alice goes to Los Angeles to Visit her Brother Ralf who works in Hollywood. She quickly discovers that has been lying to the family. He is not an actor, and he works serving tables at a not very nice restaurant. Alice and Ralf go on a fun and unexpected a... (展开全部)
Alice Lee (27) has lived all her life following the very strict rules her parents have imposed for her. The story unfolds as Alice goes to Los Angeles to Visit her Brother Ralf who works in Hollywood. She quickly discovers that has been lying to the family. He is not an actor, and he works serving tables at a not very nice restaurant. Alice and Ralf go on a fun and unexpected adventure where they rediscover their brotherly bond, and where Alice gets the experience what a "rebellious" lifestyle can lead to.