The film follows several 60- and 70-year-olds spending a few days in the Bulgarian resort of Rusalka. They have been coming here every year since their youth, first as a group of 14, and then as a smaller and smaller gang as death has taken its toll year after year. And now, one of the women in the group will announce she doesn’t have long to live… Besides the friends, the stor... (展开全部)
The film follows several 60- and 70-year-olds spending a few days in the Bulgarian resort of Rusalka. They have been coming here every year since their youth, first as a group of 14, and then as a smaller and smaller gang as death has taken its toll year after year. And now, one of the women in the group will announce she doesn’t have long to live… Besides the friends, the story follows several resort employees, who give a new perspective on what is going on.