The film follows Alkistis, who lives in a family villa with rooms to let on the Athenian Riviera, alongside her mother Anna and their only clients: Petros, a writer; and the Chatzivasilious, an elderly couple. She is devoted to two things: her father, who died in a water-skiing accident, and a palm tree called The Jerry that lives in the front garden. Despite Alkistis' fierce o... (展开全部)
The film follows Alkistis, who lives in a family villa with rooms to let on the Athenian Riviera, alongside her mother Anna and their only clients: Petros, a writer; and the Chatzivasilious, an elderly couple. She is devoted to two things: her father, who died in a water-skiing accident, and a palm tree called The Jerry that lives in the front garden. Despite Alkistis' fierce opposition, her mother decides to sell the family villa. Riviera is about Alkistis’ last summer in this house, as she tries to find meaning in a world that is vanishing around her.