In the 1990s, Hamad, a Bedouin boy, lives with his parents and their camels in the middle of the desert. When a new camel named Olayanis is born at the farm, Hamad’s life changes and his loneliness disappears. Hamad’s father, needing the money to feed his family, decides to sell the calf for meat and transports it to the camel market. Hamad must go on a journey to rescue his be... (展开全部)
In the 1990s, Hamad, a Bedouin boy, lives with his parents and their camels in the middle of the desert. When a new camel named Olayanis is born at the farm, Hamad’s life changes and his loneliness disappears. Hamad’s father, needing the money to feed his family, decides to sell the calf for meat and transports it to the camel market. Hamad must go on a journey to rescue his best friend.