In 'Morphine: Journey of Dreams,' the story of the iconic genre-busting 1990s 'Low Rock' band Morphine is told by its surviving members and the coterie around them, sans narration, and made palpable through saxophonist Dana Colley's tour journals. Rare live performances from throughout the group's career woven into the tale display why the trio's unique and mesmeric sound conti... (展开全部)
In 'Morphine: Journey of Dreams,' the story of the iconic genre-busting 1990s 'Low Rock' band Morphine is told by its surviving members and the coterie around them, sans narration, and made palpable through saxophonist Dana Colley's tour journals. Rare live performances from throughout the group's career woven into the tale display why the trio's unique and mesmeric sound continues to resonate with its fans and music lovers worldwide following the death of its singer, songwriter and two-string bassist Mark Sandman onstage at an Italian music festival in 1999. It's an artfully-delivered document of this peerless musical act's compelling career and life together and their resonant musical creativity that doesn't just get behind but rather inside the music and the soul of of the band.—Anonymous