"Legacy Day: A Tale of Two Tales" is the first TV special produced for the Ever After High cartoon series. It is the collection of the three longer webisodes of Chapter 1: "Apple's Tale: The Story of a Royal" "Raven's Tale: The Story of a Rebel", and "The Tale of Legacy Day".
Legacy Day has finally arrived, but that makes Raven's fear come out. Will she be able to sign or not? ... (展开全部)
"Legacy Day: A Tale of Two Tales" is the first TV special produced for the Ever After High cartoon series. It is the collection of the three longer webisodes of Chapter 1: "Apple's Tale: The Story of a Royal" "Raven's Tale: The Story of a Rebel", and "The Tale of Legacy Day".
Legacy Day has finally arrived, but that makes Raven's fear come out. Will she be able to sign or not? Will she take the pledge to follow her mom's destiny as the Evil Queen or will she risk everybody else for her sake?