Fatty and Minnie He-Haw
Fatty steals a ride on top a freight train, where he is discovered and put off in the middle of nowhere. He is stumbling along over a sandy waste, when, overcome by the heat, he collapses in a dead faint. A very fat old squaw finds him and rescues him. She decoys Fatty to her tepee, where she woos him assiduously, and finally wins from him the promise that he will marry her. While the Indians are preparing the wedding feast, under the direction of Minnie He-Haw, Fatty attempts to make his getaway. Only a brief taste of freedom, however, is to be his. He is captured by the enraged Indian maiden, who is quite as big and strong as he is, and is led back to the camp. Fatty is obliged to conceal his real feelings, and to make a great show of affection for his lady love. Satisfied at last, she conducts him to the marriage feast, seats him between herself and her father, the chief, and gives him to eat of the stewed dog meat. Dog meat far from pleases Fatty's palate. He soon makes a plausible excuse to return to Minnie's tepee, and this time he actually does succeed in escaping. He finds his way to the Lost Hope Inn. where, meeting the vivacious daughter of mine host, he becomes much infatuated. Thither his deserted bride traces him, discovers his perfidy, and there is a lively scene. In the end Fatty grabs Minnie's horse, and starts off in John Gilpin style, the squaw giving pursuit. Minnie's steed heads for home, and on reaching the Indian camp, he deposits Fatty in a dizzy heap on the ground. When Minnie He-Haw reaches the village, she finds her loyal tribe in the act of lashing the faithless Fatty to a stake, and piling up brush and kindling wood around him. But she loves her delinquent betrothed too much. And rather than see all her hopes go up in smoke, she breaks the thongs which bind him, and clasps Fatty to her forgiving bosom.