Un week-end sur deux

Un week-end sur deux

导演: Nicole Garcia
编剧: Anne-Marie Etienne,Jacques Fieschi,Nicole Garcia,Nicole Garcia,Philippe Le Guay
主演: Nathalie Baye,Joachim Serreau,Félicie Pasotti 
类型: 戏剧
年代: 1990
IMDB: 5.7
影伴评分: 0
Actress Camille has seen better days. The salary from her rare engagements barely covers her debts. And her private life isn't running smoothly either: since separating from her husband, she only gets to see her two children - son Vincent, ten years old, and daughter Gaëlle, five years old - every other weekend at most. When one of these weekends comes around, her agent has already confirmed an engagement in Vichy, where she is to present a charity gala. Without further ado, Camille takes the children with her. When her ex-husband finds out, he is furious and wants to pick them up immediately. Camille then skips the rest of the gala and flees to the coast with the kids in a hire car. On the journey, she realizes how rarely she has been there for her children. She manages to re-establish maternal contact with little Gaëlle, but the older, precocious Vincent resents the fact that she has left the family and remains distant. All he seems to be interested in is astronomy. When a rare meteor shower is announced for the next few days, Camille suggests travelling to a plateau in Spain to watch it with her children. Vincent agrees, but the relationship remains difficult. What's more, her ex-husband is hot on the heels of the three of them.
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Un week-end sur deux[1990][1080p][web][x264][2.0][1.63 GB]
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Un week-end sur deux[1990][720p][web][x264][2.0][898.79 MB]
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