Giants of la Mancha

Giants of la Mancha

导演: Gonzalo Gutierrez 'G.G.'
编剧: Carlos Kotkin,Pablo Biondi,Gonzalo Gutierrez 'G.G.'
主演: Karol Sevilla,Carla Peterson,Facundo Reyes 
类型: 动画 / 冒险 / 家庭
年代: 2024
IMDB: 6.4
影伴评分: 0
"Giants of La Mancha" is an extraordinary and adventurous journey for the whole family, following 11-year-old Alfonso, heir to Don Quixote, and his three imaginary rabbits, which are joined by Pancho and Victoria. With their power of friendship, they save their beloved hometown somewhere in La Mancha from a huge storm.. They dream the impossible dream, overcome their fears, and use their imagination to find the real force behind the storm.
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Giants of la Mancha[2024][1080p][web][x264][5.1][1.55 GB]
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Giants of la Mancha[2024][720p][web][x264][2.0][772.21 MB]
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