Barbie as Rapunzel

Barbie as Rapunzel

导演: Owen Hurley
编剧: Cliff Ruby,Elana Lesser,Cliff Ruby,Sarah Maizes,Rob Hudnut,Robert McKee,Elana Lesser,Ruth Handler
主演: Kelly Sheridan,Anjelica Huston,Cree Summer 
类型: 动画 / 家庭 / 奇幻
年代: 2002
IMDB: 6.5
影伴评分: 0
Barbie is Rapunzel in this beloved story. Kidnapped by an evil witch, Rapunzel is locked in a tower and hidden from the outside world. Rapunzel goes on a journey and with the help of her friends Penelope and Hobie, she manages to get the life she deserves and live happily ever after.
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Barbie as Rapunzel[2002][480p][bluray][x264][2.0][738.48 MB]
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