Meurtres en Auvergne

Meurtres en Auvergne

导演: Thierry Binisti
编剧: Alexandra Julhiet,Alexandra Echkenazi
主演: Frédéric Diefenthal,Sofia Essaïdi,Arnaud Binard 
类型: 犯罪 / 戏剧
年代: 2017
IMDB: 6.1
影伴评分: 0
A woman's body is found near Lake Pavin in the Auvergne region. The staging of the murder baffles the investigators in its resemblance to the legend of the lake, whereby the sinners of Besse, having provoked God's anger, were buried alive and then covered in the Devil's tears. Could it be that the victim herself was considered a sinner by her murderer? For Lieutenant Bruno Romagnat, working alongside Chief-officer Aurélie Lefaivre, the case couldn't be more sensitive: it so happens that he knew the victim.
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Meurtres en Auvergne[2017][1080p][web][x264][2.0][1.53 GB]
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Meurtres en Auvergne[2017][720p][web][x264][2.0][843.78 MB]
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