Sparrows Dance

Sparrows Dance

导演: Noah Buschel
编剧: Noah Buschel
主演: Marin Ireland,Paul Sparks,Niesha Butler 
类型: 喜剧 / 戏剧 / 爱情
年代: 2012
IMDB: 6.7
影伴评分: 0
When stage fright gets the best of her, a former actress stops leaving her apartment, crippled by fear of the outside world. Living off delivery food and residuals from her acting career, she spends her days watching bad TV and spying on the city from her window. But when her toilet overflows and a kind, compassionate plumber shows up, she reluctantly allows him into her refuge.
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Sparrows Dance[2012][1080p][web][x264][5.1][1.48 GB]
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Sparrows Dance[2012][720p][web][x264][2.0][733.7 MB]
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