Shadow of Fear

Shadow of Fear

导演: Michael Lohmann
编剧: Stacey K. Pantazis
主演: Amanda Righetti,Will Estes,Harry Hamlin 
类型: 惊悚
年代: 2012
IMDB: 5.4
影伴评分: 0
When Morgan Pierce quit his job at the coffee shop, Casey Cooper thought she'd seen the last of her odd, off-putting co-worker. But when Morgan starts calling Casey and watching her at work, she has a feeling something is wrong. As Morgan's behavior escalates and he begins to watch Casey every waking hour, writing letters and calling her dozens of times a day, she turns to the police for help, but they can't help her--not until Morgan makes an actual threat against her. Distraught, Casey begins to withdraw from life. But when Morgan crosses the line and hurts the people Casey loves, she must find the strength inside herself to stop living in fear and finally put a stop to this dangerous obsession.
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Shadow of Fear[2012][720p][web][x264][2.0][810.89 MB]
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