Night of the Blood Beast

Night of the Blood Beast

导演: Bernard L. Kowalski
编剧: Gene Corman,Martin Varno
主演: Michael Emmet,Angela Greene,John Baer 
类型: 恐怖 / 科幻
年代: 1958
IMDB: 3.5
影伴评分: 0
An astronaut returns from space dead. The base that recovered him is then cut off from the outside world by an alien. The revival of the dead astronaut, the death of a scientist, and the discovery of alien embryos inside the resurrected astronaut's body bodes ill for the survival of those trapped at the base and the rest of humanity.
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Night of the Blood Beast[1958][1080p][bluray][x264][2.0][1.03 GB]
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Night of the Blood Beast[1958][720p][bluray][x264][2.0][569.21 MB]
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