The Year Dolly Parton Was My Mom

The Year Dolly Parton Was My Mom

导演: Tara Johns
编剧: Tara Johns
主演: Julia Sarah Stone,Rebecca Windheim,Rebecca Croll 
类型: 喜剧 / 戏剧
年代: 2011
IMDB: 6.2
影伴评分: 0
It's 1976, and Elizabeth is just your average suburban 11-year-old praying for adolescence to arrive when she discovers that her whole life has been a lie. With only her imagination to guide her, Elizabeth runs away in search of her true identity. Her adoptive mother Marion is then forced to break out of the carefully-constructed "truth" to which she's been clinging, and go after her daughter. This leads to a cathartic cross-country trek by a mother searching for a daughter who's searching for a mother, both of them really searching for themselves. This movie is a poignant, sometimes funny, very female coming-of-age story that explores the tension between creating identity and finding it within.
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The Year Dolly Parton Was My Mom[2011][1080p][web][x264][5.1][1.74 GB]
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The Year Dolly Parton Was My Mom[2011][720p][web][x264][2.0][865.42 MB]
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