Bloodsucker's Planet

Bloodsucker's Planet

导演: Mark Beal
编剧: Mark Beal
主演: Cory W. Ahre,Jessica Bell,Adrienne Dobson 
类型: 恐怖 / 科幻
年代: 2019
IMDB: 4.7
影伴评分: 0
In this '60s retro prequel to the bizarro-noir Bloodsucker's Handbook (AKA Enchiridion), Bloodsucker's Planet follows the crew of the space ship Argosy as they respond to a distress signal from the industrial Planet Mara only to discover the planet is ruled by the sinister Mother Vampire. Along the way, they encounter disease-carrying Mara bats, a talking space roach, and Adrianna, the gynoid whose developing self-awareness is aided by her collection of vintage romance comics.
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Bloodsucker's Planet[2019][1080p][web][x264][2.0][1.11 GB]
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Bloodsucker's Planet[2019][720p][web][x264][2.0][616.01 MB]
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