I Am Still Here

I Am Still Here

导演: Mischa Marcus
编剧: Mischa Marcus
主演: Art L. Cortez,Ciara Jiana,Erika Ringor 
类型: 戏剧
年代: 2017
IMDB: 6.9
影伴评分: 0
Layla is ten years old, and about to meet her new family. She just doesn't know it yet. An act of kindness met with deception leads to Layla's abduction and descent into a life of sex slavery hidden in an ordinary neighborhood. It could even be yours. I AM STILL HERE takes us inside Layla's new world, showing what really happens to these children after the first 48 hours, and why it's so difficult to combat the fastest-growing illegal enterprise in the world: the child sex slave industry. Starring Johnny Rey Diaz (Hawaii Five-O), Erika Ringor (Love and Basketball), and Ciara Jiana (Sharknado), this movie is based on exhaustive research into real cases, and is dedicated to all the missing children who are still out there. From first-time writer/director Mischa Marcus and Emmy-nominated and award-winning producer Stephanie Bell.
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I Am Still Here[2017][1080p][web][x264][2.0][1.72 GB]
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I Am Still Here[2017][720p][web][x264][2.0][947.04 MB]
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