The Duel

The Duel

导演: Diego Hallivis
编剧: Alberto Veloso,Julio Hallivis,Diego Hallivis
主演: Phil Haus,Noelle Mihalinec,Jason Hurt 
类型: 动作 / 爱情 / Sport
年代: 2011
IMDB: 4.5
影伴评分: 0
With a fresh start, trying to escape an abusive past, Vance and his mother have just moved to a new city. Searching for a way to support his family while continuing his education he joins forces with Jules, who is looking for a highly skilled, basketball duel partner. With their impressive talent these two start cleaning the streets, winning every duel in town. Once word spreads they're invited to enter the ultra-violent, competitive duel championship. With high hopes for the win they'll do whatever it takes to walk off the court the new champions.
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The Duel[2011][1080p][web][x264][5.1][1.86 GB]
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The Duel[2011][720p][web][x264][2.0][926 MB]
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