The Simian Line

The Simian Line

导演: Linda Yellen
编剧: Linda Yellen,Michael Leeds,Gisela Bernice
主演: Lynn Redgrave,Jamey Sheridan,Harry Connick Jr. 
类型: 戏剧 / 爱情
年代: 2000
IMDB: 5.3
影伴评分: 0
In addition to declaring that Katharine's (Lynn Redgrave) head and heart line are hopelessly fused into one "simian line", eccentric palm reader/fortune-teller Arnita (Tyne Daly) makes a dire prediction: By the end of the year, one of the couples present at a Halloween party will have broken up. But will it be Katharine and her much-younger boyfriend Rick (Harry Connick Jr.); her upstairs tenants Marta and Billy or new yuppie neighbors Sandra (Cindy Crawford) and Paul? Fueled by Arnita's prediction, each of the couples begins to drift apart in a sea of doubt and distrust. Can the "divine" intervention of two well-meaning ghosts (William Hurt and Samantha Mathis) keep these earthly conflicts from erupting into multiple self-fulfilling prophecies?
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The Simian Line[2000][480p][bluray][x264][2.0][890.39 MB]
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