The Candy Tangerine Man

The Candy Tangerine Man

导演: Matt Cimber
编剧: Mikel Angel
主演: John Daniels,Eli Haines,Tom Hankason 
类型: 冒险 / 动作
年代: 1975
IMDB: 6.1
影伴评分: 0
Sunset Boulevard is a lucrative place to work for the Black Baron, a pimp with a distinctive red and yellow Rolls Royce and plenty of girls on his books. He don't take no mess from his girls, his madam or his competitors and viciously defends his patch. First, he clobbers the Mob who attempt to move in on his patch. Second, he tracks down one of his girls who runs off with a suitcase full of his cash. Third, he disposes of two policemen. But by now he knows his pimping days are numbered, so after a final explosive gun battle he switches to being his alter ego, mild-mannered businessman Ron who lives out in the leafy suburbs with an unsuspecting wife and family.
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The Candy Tangerine Man[1975][1080p][bluray][x264][2.0][1.54 GB]
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The Candy Tangerine Man[1975][720p][bluray][x264][2.0][850.57 MB]
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