Four friends Raj Malhotra, Boney, Neelam Chaudhary and Sheetal decide to play a practical joke on Sheetal's dad Kailash Nath. They telephone Kailash and tell him that his daughter has been kidnapped and demand a ransom of Rs. 200,000. Things seem to go according to plan until the police headed by Raj's elder brother Suresh Malhotra have been informed by Nath's servant. They man... (展开全部)
Four friends Raj Malhotra, Boney, Neelam Chaudhary and Sheetal decide to play a practical joke on Sheetal's dad Kailash Nath. They telephone Kailash and tell him that his daughter has been kidnapped and demand a ransom of Rs. 200,000. Things seem to go according to plan until the police headed by Raj's elder brother Suresh Malhotra have been informed by Nath's servant. They manage to elude the police only to return and find that Sheetal has been stabbed to death with all the evidence pointing towards them.