The dramedy, penned by Jean Pasley and the director herself, was inspired by Anne Gildea’s memoir “I’ve Got Cancer, What’s Your Excuse?” and follows the vicissitudes of a thirty-something stand-up comedian called Kate McLaughin (played by the versatile Gemma-Leah Devereux, who recently appeared in Paddy Slattery’s crime flick Broken Law [+]). The woman spends her days almost ap... (展开全部)
The dramedy, penned by Jean Pasley and the director herself, was inspired by Anne Gildea’s memoir “I’ve Got Cancer, What’s Your Excuse?” and follows the vicissitudes of a thirty-something stand-up comedian called Kate McLaughin (played by the versatile Gemma-Leah Devereux, who recently appeared in Paddy Slattery’s crime flick Broken Law [+]). The woman spends her days almost apathetically and tries to find meaning and direction in life. She has developed a troubled relationship with her mother and her late father, but seems to be in more peaceful terms with her brother. One day, a shocking news seems to disrupt Kate’s existence even more; she is diagnosed with breast cancer and, after a clumsy but still risky overdose attempt, she reluctantly decides to undergo chemotherapy.