Nonnas is based on the true story of Brooklyn native Joe Scaravella (Vaughn), who, after losing his beloved mother, realizes he’s wasted time as a single man at a dead-end job and yearns for a second chance at life. Motivated by his Italian mother’s love of cooking, but with no culinary experience and dwindling funds, he opens a restaurant unlike any other by hiring the most un... (展开全部)
Nonnas is based on the true story of Brooklyn native Joe Scaravella (Vaughn), who, after losing his beloved mother, realizes he’s wasted time as a single man at a dead-end job and yearns for a second chance at life. Motivated by his Italian mother’s love of cooking, but with no culinary experience and dwindling funds, he opens a restaurant unlike any other by hiring the most unlikely team of chefs — one consisting of grandmothers.