讲述了白俄罗斯某城市总建筑师卡尔纳奇的故事。通过主人公的曲折遭遇,较为广泛地触及了苏联现实生活中的某些社会和道德问题。专心志致于专业、敢于革 新、性格豪爽的卡尔纳奇自动放弃市委委员候选人资格一举,招致人们的各种非难和冷眼,直至被撤销职务。作品还揭露了苏联官僚机构的种种弊病,鞭挞了沽名钓誉、弄虚作假、相互倾轧等社会恶习。虽在故事结尾时提到主人公几经周折,恢复了职务。但岁月蹉跎,年华虚度,春天 已跚跚迟来……
The chief architect of the city, Maxim Karnach, is going through a difficult period in his personal life and career. Many years of misunderstanding, ... (展开全部)
讲述了白俄罗斯某城市总建筑师卡尔纳奇的故事。通过主人公的曲折遭遇,较为广泛地触及了苏联现实生活中的某些社会和道德问题。专心志致于专业、敢于革 新、性格豪爽的卡尔纳奇自动放弃市委委员候选人资格一举,招致人们的各种非难和冷眼,直至被撤销职务。作品还揭露了苏联官僚机构的种种弊病,鞭挞了沽名钓誉、弄虚作假、相互倾轧等社会恶习。虽在故事结尾时提到主人公几经周折,恢复了职务。但岁月蹉跎,年华虚度,春天 已跚跚迟来……
The chief architect of the city, Maxim Karnach, is going through a difficult period in his personal life and career. Many years of misunderstanding, reproaches and family scandals forced him to make a bitter but firm decision: file for divorce from his beautiful wife Dasha. Karnach's friends and colleagues do not suspect what is happening in his family, so they don't understand his other act: self-rejection of his candidacy in the city party. After all, by doing so, he threatened both his career and the professional fate of his subordinates, who only under his leadership were able to finally begin to realize their creative projects. But Karnach is not going to give up his positions at all: despite the intrigues of his enemies and envious people, despite the pressure "from above", he categorically refuses to approve the development project of the city center, which he considers incorrect.