Set in Warsaw in 1905, the Polish TV series Moth Hunting revolves around a young woman embroiled in the fight for independence. After her release from prison, she finds herself in the grasp of Franciszka Szlimakowska's high-end brothel, adopting the alias “Yvette”. Determined to earn enough as a prostitute to reunite with her beloved in Siberia, Yvette strives for control over ... (展开全部)
Set in Warsaw in 1905, the Polish TV series Moth Hunting revolves around a young woman embroiled in the fight for independence. After her release from prison, she finds herself in the grasp of Franciszka Szlimakowska's high-end brothel, adopting the alias “Yvette”. Determined to earn enough as a prostitute to reunite with her beloved in Siberia, Yvette strives for control over her destiny. However, unforeseen challenges emerge in the shape of a political conspiracy orchestrated by General Margrafsky, the head of Okhrana, the Russian Empire's secret police. Further complicating matters is the involvement of corrupt policeman Wiktor Grun, leading to a tempest of intrigue that jeopardises the fate of Warsaw's brothels.