Ride Out
The series follows amateur underdog Jarno, as he challenges an unbeatable champion on the international MOTO GP motorbike racing circuit, during its golden years in the 1970s. Supported by his girlfriend Soili, and camping out at each race to cut costs, Jarno rides to free himself from his family’s struggling funeral home. But to succeed, he must risk his life at every race, in... (展开全部)
The series follows amateur underdog Jarno, as he challenges an unbeatable champion on the international MOTO GP motorbike racing circuit, during its golden years in the 1970s. Supported by his girlfriend Soili, and camping out at each race to cut costs, Jarno rides to free himself from his family’s struggling funeral home. But to succeed, he must risk his life at every race, in a harsh competition with his fellow riders and brothers in arms on the track.