Broken at Love Season 1
"Broken At Love" is a semi-romantic drama set around an idealistic college senior, Vivienne 'Vivie' Taylor, who gets the rare opportunity to meet her dream guy, a professional "bad boy" tennis player named Holden Gregory and her life is turned upside down as a result. What begins as Vivie's crush soon evolves into much more... with friends and competing love interests further c... (展开全部)
"Broken At Love" is a semi-romantic drama set around an idealistic college senior, Vivienne 'Vivie' Taylor, who gets the rare opportunity to meet her dream guy, a professional "bad boy" tennis player named Holden Gregory and her life is turned upside down as a result. What begins as Vivie's crush soon evolves into much more... with friends and competing love interests further complicating things along the way.