The series is inspired by the real story of the Angarsk Maniac. A young metropolitan detective, Zhenya (Yulia Snigir, Young Pope), arrives in a small town in the search of a serial killer. The majority of the towns' population do not welcome outsiders, and local authorities deny a maniac is on the loose and refuse to assist Zhenya. However, Zhenya finds one person willing to he... (展开全部)
The series is inspired by the real story of the Angarsk Maniac. A young metropolitan detective, Zhenya (Yulia Snigir, Young Pope), arrives in a small town in the search of a serial killer. The majority of the towns' population do not welcome outsiders, and local authorities deny a maniac is on the loose and refuse to assist Zhenya. However, Zhenya finds one person willing to help, Ivan Krutikhin, a detective and a serial killer.