The series, Tiny Toon Adventures is considered to be one of the best Looney Tunes spin-offs to date. The Tiny Toons are basically kid-versions of other historic Looney Tunes. Buster Bunny is pretty much the new version of Bugs Bunny. Babs Bunny is basically the new version of Lola Bunny. Dizzy is the new version of Tazz, and Plucky and Hamilton are just like kid versions of Daf... (展开全部)
The series, Tiny Toon Adventures is considered to be one of the best Looney Tunes spin-offs to date. The Tiny Toons are basically kid-versions of other historic Looney Tunes. Buster Bunny is pretty much the new version of Bugs Bunny. Babs Bunny is basically the new version of Lola Bunny. Dizzy is the new version of Tazz, and Plucky and Hamilton are just like kid versions of Daffy Duck and Porky Pig. This series went on for 3 seasons with an episode total of 104. There was also one movie made for this series.